Kveller Hits of the Week: July 23 - 27 – Kveller
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Kveller Hits of the Week: July 23 – 27

This week’s most popular posts from Raising Kvell, in case you missed them.

– Epidural or Not, Giving Birth is the Easy Part. There’s been a lot of discussion about epidurals on Kveller lately, and this one wraps it up pretty nicely: basically, do what you got to do.

– Trying to “Find Myself” at Age 31. When all my friends were figuring out their lives in their 20s, I got married and had kids. But now that I’m separated, I’m starting anew, right in time for everyone else to settle down.

– The Nursery I Want vs. The Nursery I Have. I’m getting to the stage in my pregnancy where moving around isn’t that fun, which makes me wonder if I’ll ever get this baby’s nursery up to snuff in time for her arrival. (Got your own dream nursery going on? Send pictures to Kveller!)

– Mayim’s First Screenplay: Flying for First-Time Parents. Sometimes it’s nice to step back and remember the good old (crazy!) days of being a first-time parent.

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