All the Jewish celebrity parent gossip you (n)ever wanted to know.
– Alicia Silverstone responds to the uproar surrounding the video she posted of herself feeding her son Bear mouth-to-mouth. “People have been feeding their kids that way for thousands of years. It’s a weaning process. Honestly, when I posted the video I was not thinking, so maybe I was like Cher.” Clueless reference for the win! (Celeb Baby Laundry)
– On her blog, Tori Spelling poses the important question: At what age is it appropriate to start talking to your kids about religion? Spelling writes: “This morning I walked into the kids’ room and I heard Liam and Stella talking to each other. Liam said to Stella “you’re a Jewish” and Stella said, “No Liam, you’re a Jewish.” I must admit, that’s pretty cute. (ediTORIal)
– Maggie Gyllenhaal was spotted with her mother, her husband Peter Sarsgaard, and their 5-year-old daughter Ramona walking through the streets of Brooklyn on Sunday. The article headline reads “Easter Fun in Brooklyn,” but I’m pretty sure they meant to say Passover Fun. (Celebrity Baby Scoop)
– Best known as a thriller writer and host of the TV show “Brad Meltzer’s Decoded,” Brad Meltzer has also written two books just for his kids: Heroes For My Son, and the forthcoming Heroes For My Daughter. On LilSugar, he talks about just who these heroes are, including Amelia Earhart, Lucille Ball and Judy Blume. (LilSugar)