9 Twitter Accounts to Follow for the Healthcare Fight – Kveller
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9 Twitter Accounts to Follow for the Healthcare Fight

It’s so hard to keep up with what’s happening in D.C. right now, between the healthcare vote, which was delayed by the Senate today–or Trump’s tweets about trans people in the military.

According to The Hill, a skinny repeal could happen–which would not be good:

“GOP leadership could ultimately try to pass a “skinny repeal,” which would include a repeal of the individual and employer mandate and the medical device tax, if broader proposals aren’t able to garner enough support.

The move could buy Republicans time to work out a deal as they try to merge their healthcare bill with a proposal passed earlier this year by the House.

Democrats, however, have blasted that path as a setup to try to ultimately pass full repeal of ObamaCare.

“Make no mistake about it, skinny repeal is equal to full repeal. It’s a Trojan horse designed to get the House and Senate into conference where the hard-right flank of the Republican caucus, the Freedom Caucus, will demand full repeal or something very close to it,” Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said ahead of the vote.”

If you’re on social media (which you probably are in some capacity), it can actually be helpful to know which political accounts to follow to get news from all sorts of sources and backgrounds (because learning from diverse perspectives is important!).

Here’s some Twitter accounts we love and follow (and Trump Watch is a website that is updated everyday with news from vetted sources):

Ben Wikler, from MoveOn.org, tweets daily about activist activities you can participate in.

Fierce Jewish mom Ilyse Hogue from NARAL is a must-follow for the pro-choice angle.

A radical, activist take on the daily news is so important.

These little folks with medical issues are tireless advocates.

These former congressional staffers know how to make an impact.

Planned Parenthood is fighting tooth and nail, as always, for healthcare.

AARP is not joking when it comes to protecting seniors’ healthcare.

Because she’s like your smart, funny best friend who is as pissed off as you are.

For the wonkier take on policy and activism.

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