Baby Sister Writes a Letter to Her Brother at Camp – Kveller
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Baby Sister Writes a Letter to Her Brother at Camp

The letter-writing baby herself.

When Jordana heard that one of her sons was homesick at camp and missing, of all people, his baby sister Orli, she quickly banged out this poem from Orli to tell him it was okay to miss her and that she was proud of him… and he’s been better ever since. Future at Hallmark, perhaps?


I know I’m just a baby, and everyone thinks I’m cheeky –

But look at me! I learned to write! I am SO DARN SNEAKY!

I took the books down off the shelf, and reading took no time!

And look how amazing I am now: I even learned to RHYME!


The first thing that I wanted to do though was to write you this letter

I’m sure that camp is going great and with each day getting better!

You are my big brother and I love you through and through

You are my superhero! I love you and what you do.


It’s AWESOME that you are at camp! It shows you are grown up

And I promise that when you come back, my cheeks will not blow up.

I know your camp is a great place: I’m so glad you’re having fun!

I’m imagining you smiling, and I’m not the only one.


So please, for me, have a GREAT TIME and enjoy yourself at camp!

Even though you are away, you are still my Big Brother Champ.

When you return, you’ll tell me everything that you and R did

And I’m so lucky to have you both for my big brothers and big kids.


So don’t be sad – just go be glad! I want camp to be fun for you!

My love grows stronger while you’re gone – and yes, my cheeks do too.

I love you with all my chubby heart: have fun! Enjoy yourself!

Now please excuse me while I go pull books down from the shelf.

I love you!!! HAVE FUN!!!! I’m proud of you!

Love, Orli


UPDATE: Below, find Z’s gracious response.

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