Does Amazon Have a Nazi Problem? – Kveller
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Does Amazon Have a Nazi Problem?


Last week, Kveller broke the story that a “punk rock” swastika ring was for sale on both Amazon and Sears’ websites. People were, understandably, outraged, and the story soon went viral, prompting even Carson Daley to talk about it on the “Today” show.

After getting flooded with angry comments on social media, Sears clarified that the item was posted by a third party in their free marketplace, and quickly took the item down, releasing this apology on their website. Amazon also quietly removed the ring from their website.

But wait, there’s more.

A concerned reader pointed us to several other Nazi-affiliated products currently for sale on Amazon, including:

1. German Youth Knife

Yes, that’s a swastika emblazoned on the handle, along with the inscription “Blut und Ehre!”–a Hitler Youth motto meaning “Blood and Honor!” As I write this, the product has three stars, with plenty of reviewers disappointed in the quality and accuracy of the product (we can’t make these things up).

2. Nazi Flag

The product description boasts this is the best available price on the web, and commenters seem to be very happy with the “beautiful flag most worthy of framing.”

3. Nazi Armband

This product at least specifies itself as a “Cosplay” item, and the product description includes the stipulation, “Reproductions of armbands worn by Hitler’s followers — for theatrical purposes only.”

So. What are we to make of all of this? Sure, the argument could be made that all of these products are meant for theatrical purposes only, but read through the reviews and it’s easy to see that’s most definitely not the case. It seems it may be time for someone at Amazon to step up and take a good look-through the items available in their marketplace. It’s a tough job, but at least we gave you a three-item head start.

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