Friday Night: Resolution Follow-Through? – Kveller
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Friday Night: Resolution Follow-Through?

You might remember that at the beginning of January, I wrote a post about how my New Year’s resolution was to have one Shabbat dinner a month. Not a lot, just one. I wanted to give myself a resolution I could stick to…and I know myself well enough to aspire to only once a month.

But somehow even that little resolution has been incredibly difficult to follow. We have had some extenuating circumstances though–we moved to a new place this month so there was the packing, and now there is the endless unpacking. (Endless, I tell you.) But I’m proud to announce that tonight, I will actually be having Shabbat dinner. Cornflake chicken, some Israeli couscous, and roasted broccoli and carrots. Perhaps not Top Chef fare, but definitely delish.

I’ll leave you with how we make our Israeli couscous–just a couple of simple changes to your basic couscous and it’s a whole new ballgame. (Israeli couscous is bigger than your typical couscous, making it taste a little bit more like pasta. It can be found at places like Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s, and maybe even in your local grocery store).

You’ll need:

1 and 1/3 cups Israeli couscous

1 tablespoon olive oil

1 and 3/4 cups of vegetable broth or chicken broth, which has been heated to a boil

Saute the couscous with the olive oil over medium heat until the couscous gets lightly browned. Add the hot broth and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium-low and cover. Simmer for 12 minutes or until liquid is absorbed.

We also like to top with caramelized onions–just chop some onions and cook with olive oil over medium heat until they brown and caramelize, stirring frequently. Add to the top and yum!

Shabbat Shalom!

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