Here's How a Twitter Party Works #Kveller – Kveller
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Here’s How a Twitter Party Works #Kveller

Dear Twitter Party Virgins,

Tonight is going to be OFF THE HOOK! Okay, so maybe that’s a bit of an exaggeration, but it’s going to be fun and there will be prizes and you can sit at home in your pajamas–while your kiddos sleep–and chat with friends.

Or as @luffjac says, A calorie-free Hanukkah twitter party for moms!” (Although I’ve heard some of my fellow #Kveller authors saying they will have copious amounts of wine available, the best part being that we don’t have to share it!)

Probably the best part is that we get the opportunity to “chat” with all of you @Kveller readers!  So if you don’t have a Twitter account, MAKE ONE!!  Even if it’s just to tweet with us!!

Never been to a twitter party? No problem. Here are a few helpful hints.

1. Once you’ve created an account, open one window as your “home” Twitter window (

2. Open a new window as your “chat” window, so that you can see the party conversation.

3. Put #kveller into the search window  at the top of the Twitter page. This will show you all of the people participating in the party.

4. You can click back and forth between the two screens. Type comments in your own Twitter feed and watch the party on the other screen!

5. This is
important. Everytime you want to add something to the conversation REMEMBER TO PUT #Kveller at the end of the Tweet (or somewhere in the tweet) so that everyone can see it (this counts towards your 140 character limit, so tweet wisely!).

For example:

Hi Everyone I’m so excited to chat with all of the awesome @kveller blog authors! #kveller

6. If you want to tweet TO SOMEONE you need to include @name and then they will know you are talking with them, like this:

@SWMama you are such an inspiration to Jewish mothers everywhere!

7. If you want everyone at the party to see this tweet to Carla (whose Twitter handle is @SWMama), tweet this:

@SWMama you are such an inspiration for Jewish mothers everywhere! #kveller

8. Also, be sure to check your @mentions (located next to your timeline tab on your Twitter homepage) to see if anyone is talking directly to you. Sometimes if it is a new person that you don’t already follow, it won’t show up in your Twitter feed!

If you have ANY other questions about tweeting or the #Kveller Twitter party – feel free to ask in the comments below.

Join us! Can’t wait to chat!

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