Here are the most popular posts from Kveller this week, for your enjoyment:
– Yes, I Live in Nashville, and Yes, I am Jewish by Joanna Brichetto. For those who are one of the few (or only!) Jews in your community, this one’s for you.
– Are You Jewy Enough? by Amy Keyishian. Should Jews really be judging other Jews for not being “Jewy” enough? Probably not.
– Passover Videos from Kveller Readers. Featuring a 2-year-old’s rendition of “Dayenu” and a 6-year-old girl doing the Four Questions in sign language. Amazing!
– Kale Chips: A Surprising Hit with Preschoolers by Tonya Tolchin. Turns out, kids actually love certain vegetables, especially when put into “chip” form. Kale for the win!
– Kveller on Pinterest. Have you started following Kveller on Pinterest yet? They even have a board called “Mayim Mayim Mayim.”