It’s that time of week–here are the most popular posts from Raising Kvell from the past week. Enjoy!
– I Was So Crazy I Wrote a Baby Manual, by Jordana Horn. In which Jordana finds an extensive manual she wrote for how to care for her firstborn, and remembers just how neurotic first-time moms can be.
– Interview with the creators of TheJMom, by Molly Tolsky. In which we learn about a new dating website where Jewish mothers can go to set up their kids.
– Kveller’s got two giveaways going on right now: Win a Mamaleh t-shirt, just in time for Mother’s Day, and a copy of this book you may have heard of, Beyond the Sling.
– The Rabbi-to-Be’s Job Interview, by Patrick Aleph. In which a rabbinical student proves that he would make just about the coolest rabbi, if you’ll have him.
– One Day, Your Kids Will Be Taking Care of You, by Renee Septimus. In which Renee reminds us why it’s so important to raise responsible, empathetic children.