Hits of the Week from Kveller : July 9 - 13 – Kveller
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Hits of the Week from Kveller : July 9 – 13

This week’s most popular posts from Raising Kvell, in case you missed them.

– Announcing Kveller’s New Online Book Club. Grab your kindle and get this month’s pick, A Little Bride, about a Jewish mail-order bride in South Dakota.

– I Never Graduated from College. Despite a successful career in corporate America, I’ve always been ashamed that I never received a college degree. And now, I’d like to change that.

– In Praise of the Epidural. I feel about epidurals the same way I feel about chocolate, sunshine, sex, and Judy Blume books. Sign. Me. Up.

Epidurals Are Not For Me. It wouldn’t be Kveller without getting both sides of the story. I was determined to not get an epidural, even when they told me I would need to be induced.

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