(via Flickr/Fan of Retail)
It had to happen, and so it has. After an employee’s anti-Semitic response to a Jewish customer asking where to find the Hanukkah aisle, I imagine Hobby Lobby’s P.R. team scrambled to post this apology note on their Facebook page last night:
Hobby Lobby apologizes for any possible employee comments that may have offended anyone, especially our Jewish customers and friends. Comments like these do not reflect the feelings of the Green family or Hobby Lobby. We are investigating this matter and do not tolerate discrimination at our company or our stores.
Hobby Lobby is currently working with our buyers over our merchandise selection. Our customers have brought this to our attention, and we are currently evaluating our holiday items and what we will carry in the future.
Thanks for the apology, because most Jews were offended. Although you have to take in account that the store is owned by a Christian evangelical named David Green (it’s still funny), an employee’s response to a simple question is always likened back to the leader of the pack’s attitude.
Hobby Lobby should definitely “consult” with their buyers so they can circle an item on a list which guarantees a shipment of some driedels and menorahs. Maybe next year we Jewish customers can anticipate some tiny bags of gelt…but for now, steer clear.
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