'Mid Drift Movement' Helps Moms Embrace Their Post-Baby Bodies – Kveller
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‘Mid Drift Movement’ Helps Moms Embrace Their Post-Baby Bodies

If there’s anything we automatically kvell over, it’s a movement helping moms feel good about their bodies. We’re thanking our lucky stars for the people over at Mid Drift Movement who are doing exactly this.

Of course, we want everyone to feel beautiful, but moms especially need a friendly reminder. How could they not, considering all of the pressure in the media to “lose the baby weight” mere weeks after giving birth? All the celebrity-driven headlines and photos of ultra-thin stars create unrealistic expectations that are hard to shake.

READ: Avoiding Mirrors & Hating My Post-Baby Body

So, it’s no surprise that Angie Sonrode and her husband Mike created the Mid Drift Movement in order change society’s outdated ideas of how a mother’s body should look. After giving birth to four children and working as a doula, Sonrode is only too familiar with how women view themselves post-birth, stating:

“I sit with these moms. I see them crying. I see them saying to me, ‘I just don’t love my body anymore.'”

The Sonrodes plan on making a Mid Drift documentary, and are currently raising money to make the film at their GoFundMe site. Check out their preview on Youtube, which you can watch below:

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