All the parenting news you (probably) didn’t have time to read this week.
-It’s real! It’s real! Tina Fey has a pretty great piece in the New Yorker this week about the life of working moms. She kicks it off describing a book her daughter checked out of the preschool library (they have libraries!?) called “My Working Mom.” It features a witch on the cover and is written by two men. I assumed this was a literary trope, but no, it’s for reals. (New Yorker)
-You know how we here at Kveller feel about Jewish mothers. And Jewish mothers plus cooking (as long as it isn’t actually the editors here doing the cooking) equals fantastic. Check out Jewcy’s new “Jewish Mothers Cooking” column. It kicks off this week with Mama Goldberg offering up her secret cholent recipe (kind of like chili, but Jewish). (Jewcy)

-I’m not sure this really rises to the level of “news” but the deisgn company Oxo is rolling out a new toddler line, The New York Times reports. I once saw an Oxo peeler on display at MoMA, so let’s just say, they do nice work. (NY Times)
-As access to abortions in the United States is under increasing attack, Ta-Nehisi Coates at
The Atlantic
shares a personal tale about how the mother of his son dealt with life-threatening illness after giving birth. From this, Coates leaps to say that pregnancy and labor are hard work and that women die doing it. So, men, butt out. Let the women folk decide for themselves what’s right for them.