News Roundup: Yucky Jewish Girls, Breastmilk Ice Cream, and Hitler – Kveller
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News Roundup: Yucky Jewish Girls, Breastmilk Ice Cream, and Hitler

All the parenting news you probably didn’t have time to read this week.

-As you know, Kveller is all for breastfeeding, but even we have our limits. And apparently so does Lady Gaga. The performer (who once wore a dress made of meat!) is suing a London shop for selling  ice cream called “Baby Gaga” that just happens to be  made from breastmilk and lemon zest.  Scoops went for $22.50 each.  (Daily Mail)

-What does a Jewish American Princess make for dinner? How many Jewish American Princesses does it take to change a light bulb? Guess what? Your kids won’t know the answers and they probably don’t even know what a JAP is because the term JAP is dead and along with it, the entire section in Truly Tasteless Jokes!  (Forward)

-This week, famed Dior designer John Galliano said something stupid about Jews and Hitler. Stylish Jewish mommies and mommies-to-be including our girl NatPort said this was bad.  He was fired. (New York Times)

-In addition to being actresses, Natalie Portman and our own Mayim Bialik are also brilliant scientists! (New York Times)

A Brooklyn mother of two walks out on her marriage and her two young boys. She realizes that she loves her kids, but she never wanted them in the first place. She grapples with why “a male full-time caretaker is a ‘saint,’ and how a female full-time caretaker is a ‘mother.’ (Salon)

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