Some Burning Questions About Gwyneth Paltrow's New Home – Kveller
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Some Burning Questions About Gwyneth Paltrow’s New Home

Can you spare a few seconds for some frivolous celebrity gossip? (Yes, it may be a slow day at Kveller…)

Gwyneth “Goop” Paltrow and Chris “Coldplay” Martin recently purchased a $10.45 million dollar house in Mandeville Canyon, Los Angeles. This is not such a big deal for a couple of celebrity superstars, though as the details of this house unfold, we, the lowly non-celebrity-superstar editors of Kveller, do have some thoughts.

First of all, how unfair is it that in New York, $10.45 million dollars could probably get you a really nice two-bedroom condo on Central Park West, but in LA, it gets you a sprawling mansion with horse stables? I don’t even like horses, but that’s just not right.

Moving on, Curbed Los Angeles has released tons of pictures of the house, including this shot of the kitchen:

Now look closely and tell me: are those flowers being held in a shofar?!? Is this a genius home decor move, an offensive use of a Jewish ritual object, or both? I for one think it’s great to put something to use that’s otherwise used only two weeks out the year. Menorah as jewelry holder, anyone?

And then there is the floor plan:

Let’s discuss. First item of note: the master dressing room is the same exact size as the master bedroom. Killer. (The master bathroom is not too much smaller, either.) And speaking of the master bedroom, don’t you think it’s pretty far away from the other bedrooms? Won’t young Apple (8-years-old) and Moses (6-years-old) feel awfully lonely over there on their side of the mansion? There is, however, one more factor to consider: where do you think the nanny will sleep? I’m thinking Bedroom 1, given its proportions and location. Paltrow/Martin could not be reached for comments.

Anyone else have any thoughts on Gwyn’s new home?

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