If you’re anything like me, the Beastie Boys hold a nostalgic place in your heart. In 1994, they changed the game when they released their music video for “Sabotage.” For anyone who hasn’t seen it (you have to click right now), it’s a parody of ’70s crime dramas–and was directed by the iconic Spike Jonze.
But now, a fan, Adam Schleichkorn, aka Mylo The Cat, has recreated that video using existing footage of Sesame Street Muppets–making it kid-friendly (sort of, kind of). It definitely makes it laugh-worthy; who doesn’t want to see Big Bird take part in “Sabotage”?
Schleichkorn also previously recreated the Beastie’s “So What’cha Want,” which now has over a million views. Check out the “Sabotage” video below: