The Glamorous Housewife's Vegetarian Shabbat – Kveller
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The Glamorous Housewife’s Vegetarian Shabbat


We are currently in a period known as the three weeks. It’s a not-so-fun period of mourning for the destruction of the Temple and our being exiled from Israel into the diaspora. The last nine days of this time period are commemorated by a few personal sacrifices such as not eating meat or drinking wine, no new clothing, no swimming, no planting trees, and no cutting of one’s nails. This culminates with the fast of Tisha B’Av, often known as the saddest day of the Jewish year.

The good news is that on Shabbat we don’t follow some of the rules of mourning, such as not eating meat. However, I thought now would be the perfect time to introduce you to a vegetarian meal which is both filling and delicious. You won’t even notice there is no meat!

If you have been following my monthly Shabbat menus, you will notice a pattern. I usually start my meal plans by deciding on a main course. I happen to have a recipe for vegetarian black bean enchiladas that are to die for! To contrast the spice of the enchiladas I like to serve a light corn and tomato salad with basil and a quinoa with mango and blueberry salad. All you need to round out this meal is some salsa, guacamole, corn chips, and dessert! I find lemon glazed cupcakes a simple and enjoyable way to end the meal.


Corn Chips with Salsa and Guacamole

Vegetarian Enchiladas

Corn and Tomato Salad

Quinoa Salad with Mango and Blueberries

Lemon Glazed Lemon Cupcakes


1. Finalize your menu and make your grocery list.

2. Shop for your groceries.


1. Prepare both salads today. For the corn salad all you have to do is follow the recipe up until it is time to cut the basil and dress the salad. Those should wait until just before serving on Friday. Seal it up in plastic containers and keep in the fridge. The same holds for the quinoa salad.

2. If you are pressed for time on Friday, go ahead and make the lemon cupcakes and keep them at room temperature. Do not put in the fridge.

3. If you are able to set the table a full day ahead, take advantage of it and get everything done today.


1. If you didn’t make the cupcakes, do that today.

2. Make the enchiladas. You can make this in the morning and then put it in the oven about 30-40 minutes before serving.

3. Make sure your table is set, you have plenty of drinks, and the Shabbat candles are ready to be lit.

4. Don’t forget the challah!

5. Place the chips, salsa, and guacamole out for the guests to enjoy as they arrive and get settled.

6. I like to put my enchiladas in the oven as guests are arriving, but if you don’t cook on the Sabbath, you can make them ahead of time and just keep warm at a low oven temperature, or serve at room temp.

7. Make sure to chop the herbs and toss the salads with their dressings before serving. This is a perfect job to give to a guest who wants to help.

8. Enjoy your meal, and Shabbat shalom!

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