The Kid-Dish: Ivanka Trump's Sukkot, Rachel Zoe's Worst Fear – Kveller
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The Kid-Dish: Ivanka Trump’s Sukkot, Rachel Zoe’s Worst Fear

All the Jewish celebrity parent gossip you (n)ever wanted to know.

– No, those aren’t flowers in Ivanka Trump’s husband’s hand: it’s a lulav. The couple were seen with their 2-month-old daughter Arabella on their way home from Sukkot services at a New York City synagogue. (Celebrity Baby Scoop)

– The costume designer for the classic 90’s sitcom Blossom (you know, the one starring homegirl Mayim Bialik) gave an interview for Refinery 29 about what it was like the style those iconic looks. It’s accompanied by a great slideshow, too. (Refinery 29)

– Rachel Zoe, spotted in matching white linens with baby Skyler at the Veuve Polo Classic, revealed her worse fear: “I think he’s going to rebel and just be like, ‘I’m wearing a soccer uniform.’” (People)

– Natalie Portman joins the “Celebrity mom spotted at farmer’s market with baby” club this week. She looks very happy to be there! (PopSugar)

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