The Roundup – Kveller
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The Roundup

All the parenting news you didn’t have time to read this week

– Thirty-two years after the birth of the first test-tube baby, the doctor who invented the technology is acknowledged with a Nobel Prize. What took so long? (NY Times)

– A popular mohel (ritual circumciser) in Israel is being investigated by the Chief Rabbinate over suspicion that he incorrectly performed hundreds of circumcisions in recent years. The mistake does not pose health risks to the children, but because the procedure is not considered kosher some of the boys have already undergone surgery to correct the brit. (Ynet)

– Rather than hiring a consultant to help get your 3-year-old into preschool (really people do this!), go ahead and start your own. I dare you.  Here’s how to do it. (Brooklyn Based)

– The relentless focus on testing as part of Bush’s No Child Left Behind Plan has meant that children as young as kindergarten are being primed for tests. An unintended consequence of this policy is the death of the picture book. Book stores are now sending back boxes of the once popular books that feature little text. (NY Times)

-And finally, some good news! Can’t get your kid to eat vegetables? What about savoury broccoli cupcakes? It’s worth clicking on just for the pic. (The Kitchn)

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