These Incredible Israeli Songs Will Get the Whole Family Dancing – Kveller
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These Incredible Israeli Songs Will Get the Whole Family Dancing


Spring is nearly here, but, like…  is it?? Here in the Northeast it is seriously cold, and this weekend promises some miserable weather for much of the U.S.

This means, for so many of us, more days ahead in which we are STILL cooped up at home with bored and frustrated children in need of entertaining.

But wait! Before you bust out “Baby Shark” — or its Shabbat-themed equivalent — for the 10,393rd time, hold up. We’re here to save you from the brink of insanity (or from the same episode of Paw Patrol played, ad infinitum, which is pretty much the same thing):  You can host a super-fun Israeli dance party right in your living room. We’ve made it easy with this fun playlist we’ve created especially for days like this.

To be clear, this is not folk dancing to the sounds of “Mayim, Mayim.” This is strictly infectious, modern and diverse fare, featuring artists like Stephane Legar, the Israeli son of immigrants from Togo whose irresistible raps are in in French and Hebrew; A-Wa, who make music inspired by their Yemeni heritage; Liora Isaac, who brings her Indian roots to make beautiful Hebrew music; and Kafe Shachor Chazak (Strong Black Coffee), an Ethiopian Israeli rap group.

In short, there’s so much to dance to and celebrate in this playlist. So, fire up those bluetooth speaker and get your (indoor) dancing shoes on — the whole familly is going to want to join this party:

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