These Sisters Adopted 6 Children on National Adoption Day – Kveller
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These Sisters Adopted 6 Children on National Adoption Day

Tracy and Sherrie Smith are parenting together–unconventionally–and I love it. What makes it unconventional? They’re not a couple, they’re sisters–and they just adopted six children together.

According to an interview on WFAA, Tracy explained why they chose to become parents together, commenting that they know it’s a bit unorthodox, saying, “This is weird. We know it.” For the sisters, however, it seemed like the logical thing to do. Three of their own siblings are adopted–so when Tracy decided that she wanted to take in a family of four foster children, as their biological mother is addicted to drugs and their father is in prison, Sherrie was supportive. It was complicated at first, though, since the sisters live together and Tracy wasn’t sure if she wanted to be a mom herself.

There was a slight complication when the foster agency informed them that there were actually six siblings in this particular family, as Tracy explained:

“They said, ‘well there’s actually six.’ And they said, ‘but nobody will take six. Nobody’s crazy enough for that.'”

 Sherrie was game, however, stating:
“We’re kind of like, if we enjoy hanging out with each other so much, why not just roll with it, you know? Some days I’m like ‘What have we done?'”
That is precisely how Aaron, 6, Bayla, 5, twins Emma and Olivia, 4, Franco, 3 and Jake, 17-months, became part of their family.
Facebook via Tracy Smith

Facebook via Tracy Smith

The Smiths were able to finalize the adoption on November 18, which was also National Adoption Day. In a Fort Worth, Texas Family Law Center, Tracy and Sherrie officially adopted all six children. They were among 45 families who collectively adopted 70 children, although not surprisingly, the Smiths took in the most.

The sweetest part of the entire story is the fact that Tracy tearfully accepted the responsibility of parenthood, saying in court, “They’re mine.” Of course, Sherrie butted in, “Hey, they’re mine, too!” That is some sisterly love right there.

I’m so glad these children found such a loving home with the Smiths. It really does seem like a dream come true.

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