This Dad of 4 Daughters Had a Total Meltdown When His Wife Did This – Kveller
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This Dad of 4 Daughters Had a Total Meltdown When His Wife Did This

The moment parents find out the gender of their baby can be riddled with emotion, regardless of whether or not the parents were wishing for their baby to be a boy or girl. But rarely do parents faint when they find out. However, Julio Pena, a father of four girls, did just that when his wife Kari broke the big news.

At a gender reveal party, Kari decided to surprise her husband with the news that he was going to become a father of their first son. According to ABC News, the reveal party was also planned by their 16-year-old daughter Chastity who went to the bakery and ordered the blue cake for her parents. Kari told ABC how Julio yearned for a son:

“He was so nervous. He was like…he was dying for a boy forever.”

Of course, this is not to say that he doesn’t love his daughters, and it’s important to realize there are never any guarantees in life. While a mom may secretly want a girl so she can play dress up with her, her daughter may end up preferring to fix cars and play basketball.

READ: My Problem With Those Gender Reveal Parties

That being said, it doesn’t make it wrong for Pena to be excited to have a son, and he certainly was very, very excited.

Don’t miss his utter shock below:

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