This Improv Trio Is Performing in Their Third Trimester of Pregnancy – Kveller
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This Improv Trio Is Performing in Their Third Trimester of Pregnancy

Lindsey Payne, Elizabeth Triplett, and Ashley Opstad are all LA-based comedians who are in their third trimester of pregnancy. Lately, they have been performing weekly shows together, despite the complications–and recently made a video discussing why they are doing this. This is amazing in itself, because it shows what pregnancy is really like–while also finding the humor in it.

One of my favorite parts about this video is the fact that Lindsey talks about what makes their improv team different than others: Nothing. They just happen to be pregnant, but pregnancy doesn’t make them wildly different than other people.


In the past, they formed a group called “Token Boy,” where they would only allow one man to be performing with them at a given time–changing the dynamic from being the “token girl” in the group. This in itself points out the gender inequalities in comedy–but in a smart, clever way. W

They also talk about being moms and being creative–and how they navigate both worlds. For any working mom, what they say is so true, and so reassuring. Check it out below:

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