5 Awesome Movies on Netflix That You Can Stream for Mother’s Day – Kveller
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5 Awesome Movies on Netflix That You Can Stream for Mother’s Day

What’s a good way to spend time with your family on Mother’s Day? Watching a movie, of course. It’s relaxing, doesn’t require you to go out somewhere if you’re feeling like staying in, and the best part, it’s free. So, we rounded up five of our favorite movies that are streaming on Netflix. Of course, some of these movies are catered to different age groups, but we don’t have to tell you that.

Here are our choices:
1. Erin Brockovitch
erin brockovich

Julia Roberts won an Oscar for her performance playing a single mom seeking social justice.

2. Forrest Gump

forrest gump

“My mama always said life is like a box of chocolates.”

3. First Comes Love 

first comes love

Nina Davenport chronicles her journey at becoming a single mom at age 41.

4. Dear Frankie

dear frankie

Frankie grows up not knowing who his dad is, because his father left. So his mom, Lizzie, concocts a lie, telling him that his father is a merchant seaman. The rest, of course, follows suit.

5. The Kids Are All Right 

the kids are all right

Two teenagers with lesbian moms meet their biological father for the first time. Hilarity ensues.


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