This past weekend, Amy Schumer spent the weekend with her new boyfriend, Ben Hanisch, in Hawaii. Not surprisingly, paparazzo creeped on the Jewish actress and took photos of her in a one-piece bathing suit on the beach. The National Enquirer then bought the photos, printing them with the headline, “Amy Schumer—Overexposed in Hawaii.”
Yes, it’s true–she is a celebrity and being scrutinized in the public is an unfortunate consequence. However, that doesn’t make it right–nor does it make it any less sexist or damaging. These comments are also free for the public to see–which means that women and girls everywhere see the disparaging body-focused comments, and will internalize what that means for themselves.
So, Amy decided to respond to the criticism by reposting one of the photos on her own Instagram account, along with some choice words:
“I meant to write “good morning trolls!” I hope you find some joy in your lives today in a human interaction and not just in writing unkind things to a stranger you’ve never met who triggers something in you that makes you feel powerless and alone.
This is how I look. I feel happy. I think I look strong and healthy and also like miss trunchbull from Matilda. Kisses!”
As a woman, I’m thankful that Schumer stands up for herself–because she is showing the world that it’s not OK to body-shame anyone, regardless of what they look like. There is no “perfect” body–and to continuously perpetuate this stereotype does everyone a disservice, because it literally sends the message that anyone who doesn’t look like a model isn’t beautiful. That’s simply not true–and it’s dangerous.
Regardless of whether or not you like Schumer’s brand of humor, she does stick up for herself, and that is definitely something admirable–because if we don’t stick up for ourselves and what we believe, who else will?
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Joanna Valente is the former Staff Writer at Kveller. Joanna is the author of Sirs & Madams, The Gods Are Dead, Xenos, and Marys of the Sea, and received an MFA at Sarah Lawrence College. You can follow @joannasaid on Twitter and @joannacvalente on Instagram.