An Invention Could Potentially Grow Babies Outside of the Womb – Kveller
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An Invention Could Potentially Grow Babies Outside of the Womb

Becoming pregnant is often a struggle for many women, including a group who can’t carry a pregnancy to term.

But it seems like life is going to get a lot weirder, potentially, because of a new type of technology scientists are tinkering with.

It’s called A.I. pregnancy surrogacy. Sounds like a science fiction movie, right? While it’s a process still being vetted in the science world, the technology could one day become a normal way babies are born. It’s called a parturient, and it’s used to grow a fetus outside the room–and allows you to monitor the baby’s progress, meaning that it’s an A.I. pregnancy surrogate, eliminating the need for another woman to carry the baby to term.

While the parturient itself is merely an idea student designers came up with, according to The Huffington Post, the idea isn’t actually that far fetched, considering a lamb was grown outside the womb earlier this year in something called a Biobag–which uses the same concept. Scientists hope the Biobag could save the lives of premature babies.

While the lambs weren’t completely conceived using the Biobag, the fact that they were able to survive because of the technology is a huge deal, and things like this will change the way we think about pregnancy, conception–and could even pose a challenge to issues like abortion, for better and worse.

The real question all of this brings up is, would you use an A.I. pregnancy surrogate?

Check out the video below to learn more:

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