Courageous Woman Dances to Beyonce Pre-Double Mastectomy – Kveller
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Courageous Woman Dances to Beyonce Pre-Double Mastectomy

Deborah Cohan, OB/Gyn and mother of two, entered the operating room at San Francisco’s Mt. Zion Hospital to undergo a double mastectomy. Instead of being fearful and spiritless as many of us would be pre-surgery, Deborah opted to have a joyous dance party, and had her entire medical team breaking it down to Beyonce.

To make this hospital dance party story even more heartwarming, Deborah asked all of her friends to join in and make their own “Get Me Bodied,” dance videos too. And they did!

Kudos to you Deborah. You are one courageous lady (and an amazing dancer)!

Via Huffington Post

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