Shavuot–the Jewish holiday celebrating the receiving of the Torah on Mt. Sinai–is coming up next week, May 15-16th. And what better way to get into the spirit of the holiday than to eat bucket loads of dairy? While the reason for the tradition to eat dairy on Shavuot is not entirely clear, the positive benefits of two days filled with blintzes, cheesecake, and rugelach sure are.
If you’re looking for some fun holiday recipes that are both kid-friendly and adult-approved, look no further than Get Cooking! A Jewish American Family Cookbook by Rachel Harkham and “Mama Doni” Zasloff Thomas.
For Shavuot, Get Cooking! features a super fun “Choose-Your-Own Cheesecake” recipe as well as a PB & J Rugelach that we’re happy to share with you here. Other great recipes from the book include an easy and awesome roasted chicken recipe, Vanilla rice Krispie Kugel, and Garlic-Chive Matzah Balls.
So’d you like your own copy of the cookbook? We’ve got one copy to give away. Fill out the form below and we’ll choose a random winner this Friday, May 10th.