So you’re looking for a way to celebrate Tu Bishvat with your kids? Don’t feel like just drawing a tree on paper and sticking it up on the wall? Well, you’re in luck. We’ve done some research and found some of the best Tu Bishvat crafts out there. Read on…
1. Here at Kveller, we have some fun tree-based crafts. If you haven’t seen this amazing Tree of Life wall hanging that’s made out of recycled toilet paper rolls, check it out above.
2. And speaking of recycled crafts, here’s a tzedakah box made out of a sour cream or yogurt container. Recycling, saving the world, and giving tzedakah (money for charity) all at once? A perfect way to honor the birthday of the trees.
3. If you want to make a special gift for the trees on their birthday, try this pinecone bird feeder. Easy to make, and even more fun to watch the birds come fly by your window.
4. Want a centerpiece that you can make with your kids? Try this fruit mandala. Just cut up a bunch of their favorite fruits, and use something sticky to attach them to a plate (cream cheese, honey, peanut butter, or even frosting or chocolate syrup!) Delicious, fun, and nutritious. Or, if you’d prefer a different kind of fruity centerpiece, thought of using dried fruit and skewers to make dried fruit flowers. Just put them in a cup or a vase at the middle of your table and voila! (Note–we don’t recommend using skewers with small children.)
5. Our friend Sara at Creative Jewish Mom has a LOT of amazing Tu Bishvat crafts (like these little 3-D trees) but I really love her orange pomanders. They’re beautiful and smell so sweet. And are a great way to use a winter fruit.
6. And I just discovered this blog from Australia: Joyful Jewish. She has a really fun and easy indoor garden project that you can do with your kids–all you need are some seeds, paper towels, and a container lid (see, more recycling!)
7. In case you missed our Tu Bishvat recipe roundup, you can check it out right here.
What crafts did we miss? I’d love to know what else is out there!