Help This Awesome Soup Kitchen Donate Kosher for Passover Food to the Needy – Kveller
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Help This Awesome Soup Kitchen Donate Kosher for Passover Food to the Needy

This is amazing. The Masbia Soup Kitchen–a network that serves 30,000 meals every week in New York City–is gearing up to provide 18 kosher for Passover meals to 25,000 New Yorkers in what they call the Charoset Drive.

That’s right, each person will receive 18 meals to carry them through the holiday season with the help of generous people just like you and me. Simply by contributing $50, you can cover 18 meals for one person in need.

But wait, there’s more. This year, kosher baker Paula Shoyer and Ohio farmer Lee Jones from The Chef’s Garden are chipping in, and are also offering awesome gifts for those donating $180 or more. For a $180 donation to Charoset Drive, you’ll receive a free copy of Shoyer’s new cookbook, aptly titled “The New Passover Menu.”

Farmer Lee Jones from Ohio exchanged his bowtie for Alexander Rapaports Tzizis

For an $1,000 donation, Jones will send you a box of fresh farm-to-table vegetables for your seder–on ice.

That being said, any amount helps, and we hope you can find some extra dollars to donate to this incredibly worthy cause.

Watch this video to learn more about the drive:

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