Hits of the Week: August 20 - 24 – Kveller
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kveller hits

Hits of the Week: August 20 – 24

This week’s most popular posts, in case you missed them.

There Was a Rapist on My Kibbutz. The idyllic image of safety and community was shattered when Sarah found out that a convicted pedophile was spending time on her kibbutz.

Interviews with Interesting Jews: Rabbi Ilana Garber. Rabbi Garber’s 18-month-old son was recently diagnosed the genetic disorder, Fragile X Syndrome. She kindly shared with us about this difficult journey.

What Will Happen When Mommy & Daddy Die? Carla’s 3-year-old toddler has been asking a lot of questions about death lately. How do you deal with this unpleasant topic?

My Night Among the Emmy-Nominated Stars. In her first outing since the car accident, Mayim schmoozed it up with Amy Poehler, Maya Rudolph, Lily Tomlin and other Emmy-nominated stars.

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