Never Let Those Who Voted for This Bill Call Themselves "Pro-Life" Again – Kveller
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Never Let Those Who Voted for This Bill Call Themselves “Pro-Life” Again

Today, the Senate voted to go forward with Obamacare repeal, even as protesters shouting “Don’t Kill Us!” packed the senate gallery. All the Democrats and two female GOP Senators opposed the bill.

A lot of people who voted for today’s healthcare repeal bill to proceed claim to be pro-life.

They are not pro-life.

You cannot be pro-life and vote to proceed to take away healthcare from children with disabilities.

You cannot be pro-life and vote to proceed to take away healthcare from expecting mothers and families.

You can’t look kids in wheelchairs in the face—and basically tell them, “screw you” and also claim to be pro-life.

And don’t tell me it was just a procedural vote, when non-partisan groups like the American Heart Association and the American Lunch Association as well as the AAP and the March of Dimes begged these politicians to vote no today.


So no, let’s never let those elected officials use that pro-life term again without calling them on it, loudly.

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