Passover starts tonight, and we’re rushing around doing our last minute preparations. We suspect you might be too, so here’s some resources in anticipation of tonight’s festivities.
Passover Basics
How to Prepare a Seder
How to Set a Seder Plate
Passover Seder Must-Haves
Passover Songs
The Glamorous Housewife’s Guide to Hosting Your First Passover Seder
How to Keep Your Kids Entertained
How to Survive a Seder With Kids
Passover Movies
5 Kid-Friendly Haggadahs For Your Passover Celebration
Passover Crafting
Recipes & Food
Passover Survival Tips for Vegans
Passover Trail Mix Two Ways & Other Great Snack Ideas
Matzah Balls
Chag kasher sameach!
Suzanne Samin is a former editorial assistant for She is a writer, editor, social media maven, and recovering local news reporter from NYC. Her writing can also be found on Bustle and xoJane. She is passionate about feminism, politics, pop culture, video games, and cuddly animals. Suzanne received her bachelor's degree in journalism from Ohio Wesleyan University in 2013. When she isn't writing, she's working on her feminist fantasy novel and singing improvisational ballads to her corgi.