Ricki Lake is Now a Certified Doula – Kveller
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Ricki Lake is Now a Certified Doula

Pregnant and looking for that special celebrity touch? There’s a new doula on the block, none other than former talk show host turned natural birth advocate, Ricki Lake.

Lake, who made her mark on the natural birthing scene with her 2008 documentary “The Business of Being Born,” announced on Instagram that she just became a DONA certified doula through Bini Birth, a California-based childbirth education center. Lake shared that this was something she had “wanted to complete for years.”

Lake’s been rather busy since her wildly successful documentary in 2008–including writing a book about birthing options titled “Your Best Birth;” producing another documentary called “Breastmilk,” about, well, breastmilk; and a work-in-progress called “Sweetening the Pill” about the potential dangers of the birth control pill.

No word if Lake will actually be for hire to help deliver babies, but it’s great to see her pursuing a line of work that is obviously very important to her. Mazel tov, Ricki!

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