Rosh Hashanah Resolution: Finding Myself Again – Kveller
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rosh hashanah resolution

Rosh Hashanah Resolution: Finding Myself Again

To gear up for the High Holidays this year, we’re asking our writers and readers for their Rosh Hashanah Resolution. Here’s one from our writer Melissa Cohen.

I’ve got three children, and for the first time this fall, all three of them will be in school. Granted, my 3-year-old will be at preschool only two mornings a week, but it’s more than just the time. I’m suddenly at a point where I don’t have a baby anymore. I’m not pregnant, I’m still nursing a nominal amount, but my children are all potty trained, I no longer carry a diaper bag, and I just got rid of all of my board books.

My Rosh Hashanah resolution this year isn’t to be a better mother or a better wife.  My resolution this year is to figure out who I am, now that being Mama isn’t quite so all encompassing.  I’m going to listen to music I like, as loud as I want. I’m going to finish my book proposal and start sending it out to agents. I’m going to be a little bit selfish, a little bit of the time. Motherhood is demanding and intense. Especially when the kids are little, it’s easy to get lost in the diapers and bedtime and constantly being needed. My resolution for this New Year is to find myself again.

Got your own resolutions? Tweet them @Kveller with the hashtag #RoshRes.

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