Rosh Hashanah Resolution: Nourishing My Soul – Kveller
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rosh hashanah resolution

Rosh Hashanah Resolution: Nourishing My Soul

To gear up for the High Holidays this year, we’re asking our writers and readers for their Rosh Hashanah Resolution. Here’s one from Kveller contributing editor Tamara Reese.

In last three years since having children, my resolutions have been dedicated to building a Jewish home for them. Showing my boys through symbols, prayer, practice, and celebration what being Jewish means for our family.

This past year, my transition from one to two children (one being an incredibly sensitive and verbal THREENAGER) has been a challenge. My spirit needs refueling and I need to push back on life a little in order to create some room to breathe. This year I will find ways to nourish my soul. I will search for the small parts of me that have taken a backseat to Motherhood and feel those feelings again. I will be a student of our faith and not just a teacher. I will be a woman and not just a mother. While this all seems lofty, what I’m seeking is actually very small. Because I know that if I can let a corner of my tired heart soar, it can carry the rest of us higher. Wish me luck.

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