This 6-Year-Old's Incredibly Powerful Letter to Obama Will Make You Cry – Kveller
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This 6-Year-Old’s Incredibly Powerful Letter to Obama Will Make You Cry

Sometimes kids can see a clearer picture of the world than adults can. In this case, a 6-year-old boy wrote an insightful letter to President Obama about his concern for Syrian refugees. The boy from Scarsdale, New York even offered his own home as a safe haven. Kind of incredible, right?

President Obama loved Alex’s kind letter so much, he read the boy’s words at a United Nations summit on refugees. So, what did he write? He wrote:

 “Remember the boy who was picked up by the ambulance in Syria? Can you please go get him and bring him to our home? Park in the driveway or on the street and we’ll be waiting for you guys with flags, flowers and balloons. We will give him a family and he will be our brother.”

Doesn’t that just make you want to cry? Seriously. Not enough people do that for their friends, let alone a stranger from another country. Alex is referring to Omran Daqneesh, the 5-year-old boy from Aleppo, Syria whose image was captured as he sat dazed in an ambulance wiping blood from his hand. He was pulled from the rubble after an airstrike bombed his home.

Alex went on to say that he would invite Omran to birthday parties and since he knows Omran doesn’t have any toys, he said Omran could have his sister Catherine’s “big, blue, stripy white bunny,” among sharing his bike with him.

While Alex is obviously still very much a child–and still has retained that beautiful sense of wonder and compassion–it is extremely inspirational to see how his kindness knows no bounds. Just because he’s a child doesn’t mean he doesn’t understand how Omran is suffering, even if he himself doesn’t understand that suffering himself in the same way.

Obama went on to say how we need to take a leaf out of Alex’s book, so to speak:

“Those are the words of a six-year-old boy. He teaches us a lot. The humanity that a young child can display who hasn’t learned to be cynical or suspicious or fearful of other people because of where they’re from or how they look or how they pray.

We can all learn from Alex.”

Let’s all try to be more like Alex.

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