This Endearing Song '10 Days of Hanukkah' Is the Only Hanukkah Song You Need – Kveller
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This Endearing Song ’10 Days of Hanukkah’ Is the Only Hanukkah Song You Need

The Macaroons just came out with a new song called “10 Days of Hanukkah,” which is exactly what it sounds like–and it’s cool. They’re like the Jewish Kinks if the Kinks were around in 2016. The best part, the songs are kid-friendly, but also melodically pleasing to adults. Yes, you may also notice something funny about the video’s title–it’s 10 days, as opposed to eight. That’s not a mistake. Why is that? Well, because it’s awesome!

Besides the music being awesome, the video itself is entertaining and adorable, as it includes quirky animation like a “Star Wars”-themed menorah. What’s not to love?

Watch it below here:

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