We Should Be Wearing Red Lipstick Every Day, Apparently – Kveller
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We Should Be Wearing Red Lipstick Every Day, Apparently

Red lipstick is pretty much my favorite kind of makeup. It’s fierce, classic, vampy, and chic–it’s hard not to love. And it doesn’t matter what you’re wearing either–you could be wearing a pair of mom jeans and a t-shirt, and voila, you’re basically Beyonce.

But now it’s not just a beauty routine–it’s actually good for your confidence, apparently. According to a study conducted by Chanel’s R&D division and researchers at Gettysburg College in Pennsylvania in 2013, vampy red lips make us look younger. That’s what everyone–parents especially–want, right? In some ways, it seems a little obvious to me–it doesn’t take a scientist to tell me that vixen red lips are flattering, and result in a shimmering glow a la Angelina Jolie. Or so I tell myself.

It’s not just about the way it actually looks either. It’s about the way it makes you feel. CoverGirl teamed up with Harvard and surveyed 1,000 women about how they wear lipstick. Apparently, ladies who paint their pouts red take about three selfies per week, comparing to women who opted for other tones took only one selfie per week. And while you’re probably rolling your eyes right now at the triviality of a selfie, think about it for a second.

READ: I Almost Didn’t Leave the House Because I *Was* Wearing Makeup

Many people take selfies because they feel confident. That’s a good thing. Women should feel like the badass goddesses we really are. While I don’t think women should ever feel like they need to wear makeup to be sexy, it’s fascinating how makeup can, and does, actually empower women in some ways. At the end of the day, however, you should feel sexy and happy and confident because you are amazing, not because a lipstick color makes you that way. But if the lipstick helps, why not?

Of course, the ironic part of all of this: A few years ago, it was discovered that some lipstick brands use lead in their products. Which is obviously not good for your health, because lead can build up in your body over time. Make sure you aren’t using these lipsticks, like NARS’ ‘Red Lizard’ and CoverGirl’s  ‘Ruby Remix.’ If you are going red, stay lead free.

What do you think? Do you feel differently when you wear makeup, or not?

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