Welcome to the World Benjamin Evan – Kveller
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Welcome to the World Benjamin Evan

We are thrilled to announce the arrival of the newest Kveller on the block, Benjamin Evan Deutsch. Our assistant editor, Amy Deutsch, gave birth to a beautiful baby boy at 10:52 am on May 30. Everybody is at home and doing great.

Benajmin came into the world at a healthy 8 lbs and 6 oz and 20 inches long. His big sister Abigail is being very helpful getting her parents burp cloths and diapers when they need them.

Amy says that baby Benjamin shows an inkling of being a Superman fan as he barreled his way out into the world with one hand over his head. It was his left one, so they have high hopes for his baseball career as a southpaw pitcher.

We can’t wait for Benjamin to visit the Kveller office.

Mazel tov!

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