What's Your Exodus: Breaking Free from Beating Yourself Up (And Toy Story 3) – Kveller
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What’s Your Exodus: Breaking Free from Beating Yourself Up (And Toy Story 3)

The Passover countdown is officially on! Just two weeks to go until our homes (and stomachs) are filled with matzah. To get everyone in the Passover spirit, we’re kicking off our “What’s Your Exodus” series with three Kveller writers who all need an exodus from something in their day-to-day lives.

Read on below, and remember, we’d love to hear from our readers, so send the one thing you want to break free from this year to info@kveller.com with the subject line “What’s Your Exodus?” or tell us on the Twittersphere by using the #WhatsYourExodus hash tag.

From Rachel Stein:

I want to break free from feeling guilty that my son watches a small amount of TV. Well actually it’s only “Toy Story 3.” It’s the only thing he watches and the only thing he wants to watch. I like the idea of a low technology/limited media childhood but I also like the idea of my sanity from time to time.

From Sarah Buttenwieser:

I decided that beating myself up–the tension between “if only I…” and “I’m not enough”–is really something to liberate myself from. This includes, “accomplished, smart, successful, pretty,” and on. I don’t know exactly how this is working, but I notice that by this declaration to myself of freedom from beating myself up, I seem to have stopped beating myself up. It is like dumping loads of plagues all at once!

I hope next year, in wherever, I still feel free.

From Shannon Rubin:

I’d like an exodus from my kitchen. As a stay-at-home mom, I tend to spend a lot of time in my kitchen. I cook all of the family meals from here, preparing and cleaning up after three meals a day. While I leave for periods to take my older kids to school, go to the gym, or run errands, I always end up right back here in the kitchen. The most obvious problem with this is that I eat a lot more and lose weight slower. The bigger problem is that being in the kitchen usually means I am not engaging with the outside world.

This year, I’d like to spend less time at home in this kitchen and more time volunteering and getting together with other adults outside of my home.  Making that happen with a 2-year-old in tow will be the challenge I overcome to reach my happy place.

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