Why This Dad’s Post About Being ‘Mom For A Day’ Is Going Viral – Kveller
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Why This Dad’s Post About Being ‘Mom For A Day’ Is Going Viral

Parenting is a hard gig. We all know this (we’re looking at you, moms). There’s a million things that need to get done every day that go unnoticed by the outside eye–even those that actually may live inside your house (we’re not calling anyone out here).

One Australian dad found out the old fashioned way how being a stay-at-home parent is actually really, really difficult. In fact, Brad Kearns barely survived the 16 hours of stay-at-home parenting.

After he found out his wife, Sarah, had to go to the hospital one day–which Kearns explained in a Facebook post–he became “the mum” and assumed all the tasks she usually handles. Well, apparently, by 5:01 p.m., the “living quarters [were] trashed” and “rations reduced to tiny teddies, gravy stock, tea bags and a clear lack of defrosted meat.” Uh oh.

Kearns also had some new insights on what it’s really like to parent an infant during bedtime:

“As the night rolls on and my patience wears thin; I reduce myself to keeping Knox quiet by allowing him to place stickers on my (very hairy) legs. He was being quiet… “It’s okay, I can shave them off in the morning” was the thought. “Just don’t wake Finn.”

It’s beautiful. It’s such a nice and serene moment you get to share with them…
Right up until the part where he FUCKING SCREAMS FROM THE HIGH HEAVENS… As if I’ve thrown him at a wall by his legs!

At least it’s only once a night right??? I mean, why wouldn’t I want to do it all again at 10:30….12:00….1:45….3:30….
I was so excited to know the trend would continue at 5:00 except it was actually the beginning of the new day. Did you know sleep deprivation is a form of torture???”

Actually, all moms pretty much knew this already. But it’s almost kind of cute that he just realized this, am I right? What’s worse, however, is when his mother-in-law showed up early the next morning, and he felt “defeated”:

“So there I was; unshaven, hair a mess, wearing the pants and socks from the day before. Knox comes running out in his sleeping bag asking for a new Yoghurt muesli bar to be opened. I open the door to [my mother-in-law] to reveal the fact that Knox’s noodles were still in a bowl on the table, stickers stuck to the goddamn lounge, the house an absolute mess. That’s when I knew I was defeated.”

As of now, the post has been shared almost 17,000 times, and has about 18,000 comments. Clearly, his post really hit a nerve with many parents–all of whom can relate regardless of whether they are the primary parent or not. Many parents feel unheard, and it’s these types of posts that not only connect others because they relate, but raise awareness about the fact that being a “stay-at home parent” is still a job.

Of course, I hope this also sheds light on the fact that parenting should be equal, and that it’s not just a “mom’s job” to make sure the kids get fed and put to bed in an organized and healthy way. It should be both parents’ job, regardless of whether they’re the mom or dad.

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