All Your Purim Recipes in One Place – Kveller
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All Your Purim Recipes in One Place

The centerpiece of Purim is a big feast, a seudah, to be eaten with one’s family and friends during the day of Purim. This feast harkens back to the banquet that Esther held with King Ahaseurus and Haman as her honored guests. Also on Purim day, it’s customary to deliver packages of treats to friends, family, and the poor.

Basically, that means lots of delicious food on Purim. Here at Kveller we’ve got your back with lots of excellent Purim recipes.

First, the basics. Hamantaschen are the prototypical Purim food–a triangle shaped cookie filled with jam or poppyseed filling.

For your mishloach manot, your package of treats, try this recipe for flavored and colorful popcorn:

For your feast, we suggest meat kreplach (dumplings) or bean stew. Legend has it that Esther only ate vegetarian while she was living in Ahaseurus’s harem, thus the bean stew, and this awesome recipe for spiced chickpeas.

Need more ideas? Check out Amy’s post from last year with lots of good suggestions.

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