If These Moms Can Find Time to Read, You Can Too (Episode 26) – Kveller
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Call Your Mother

If These Moms Can Find Time to Read, You Can Too (Episode 26)

CYM zibby

“How do you have time to read?” is something that our Call Your Mother host Jordana, a mom of six, is asked constantly.

The baseline assumption is that if you’re a mom, there’s no time left in your life to snuggle up with a book — no matter how many kids you have.

Well, people, moms DO have time to read books —  and, with our most recent episode, Call Your Mother is out to prove it.

Zibby Owens is the host of the Webby-nominated podcast Moms Don’t Have Time To Read Books, and she chats with Jordana about finding time to read. Zibby also is involved in creating a live, literary salon-like community of readers and writers, and she discusses why it’s important to connect with authors and books. 

The two also chat about how Zibby met her husband, how she got married on a tennis court (really!), and the air-traffic control-like element of navigating the schedules of multiple kids (Zibby has four). She also shares a sweet story about how her dad, Blackstone CEO and chairman Steven Schwartzman, taught her about quality time in parenting.

But wait! Where is Shannon, you ask? Well, Shannon is doing wonderfully on maternity leave with her beautiful baby, and Jordana calls to get all the details about the baby’s name, and a catchup on all the excitement around welcoming a newborn to the family! And of course, we have our phone call with Jordana’s mom, Gram, who chats while she’s on her way home from Costco (but of course).

Listen today!


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