Roseanne Barr's Hanukkah Lesson is a Little...Weird – Kveller
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Roseanne Barr’s Hanukkah Lesson is a Little…Weird

OK, so, we love Roseanne Barr. We love her. That being said, this video of her explaining Hanukkah is definitely a little weird. In an eight minute, wandering speech that can only be described as, “religion meets biology meets numerology meets new age meets political commentary,” the comedienne talks about what Hanukkah means to her this year while lighting mini oil lamps. 

We’ll let the video speak for itself. Despite being more than a little wonky, we were able to glean some important messages. Firstly, Hanukkah is a good time for introspection and reflection on how light and perseverance are important in all aspects of our lives. Secondly, it is a good time to examine the world around us and interpret it with a deeply spiritual perspective.

So, we owe Barr for giving us this valuable food for thought: How do perseverance and light affect your life? Where could you use more (or less)?

And where can we get that shirt with the eyeballs all over it?

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