When my daughter was an infant, I went to mothers’ meetings at a local yoga studio, run by my childbirth educator. The topic varied every week, but no matter what we were supposed to discuss, we inevitably talked about baby sleep (or lack thereof). I remember the teacher saying that there was no one way to solve the sleep issues–otherwise we’d all do it. And I joked to a friend that once we’ve figured out how to get our babies to sleep, then we’ll be able to solve all of the problems of the world, from curing cancer to beaming ourselves up like on Star Trek.
But even if we can’t fix the world, we can at least start figuring out this whole sleep thing. Kveller’s very own baby sleep coach, Batya Sherizen, wants to know your questions about baby sleep. She’ll answer as many of them as she can for you. And though she can’t guarantee that she can beam herself to you (she’s in Israel) she will definitely help your babies to sleep.
So add your questions below or email us at info@kveller.com in the comments section, and we’ll get back to you with how to get those babies to sleep!