This Mom Donated 15 Gallons of Breast Milk for This Incredible Reason – Kveller
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This Mom Donated 15 Gallons of Breast Milk for This Incredible Reason

Texas mom Mikah Duncan donated 15 gallons of breast milk for the best reason ever: her newborn son Cash. Why did she pump so much at once? According to ABC News, Cash was born 24 weeks, which meant he faced a long stay at NICU at The Children’s Hospital of San Antonio.

Having a baby born prematurely is intensely scary, because it means you aren’t in control of any outcome–for many parents, this means they can’t hold their baby for weeks or months, not to mention take them home. As you can imagine, Duncan felt helpless. However, the hospital staff told her there was one thing she could do for her son: Pump milk to breastfeed him. She stated:

“I couldn’t touch him, I couldn’t hold him. So I decided I was going to pump my heart out. It was all I could do.”

So, she took this mission to heart, and pumped as much breast milk as her body would allow. Along with assistance and support from the hospital nurses, she stayed on a strict schedule of pumping milk every two hours.

I can’t even imagine how much dedication and perseverance this took–and really, how tired she must have been. It’s simply amazing, however, to literally see her love embodied by this act. She definitely deserves an Amazing Mom of the Year Award.

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