So, we really thought Weird Al Yankovic was Jewish. Like, really really thought he was. Turns out, he’s not! But we’re still going to talk about this video anyway, because anyone who uplifts children with disabilities is a-OK in our book and deserves a shout out.
At Comedy Central’s Night of Too Many Stars–a fundraiser for autism research–Yankovic joined 14-year-old Jodi DiPiazza to perform a parody of the song “Lola” by the Kinks, aptly dubbed “Yoda.” DiPiazza was diagnosed with autism at age 2, and has flourished by expressing herself through music. She appeared on the same show in 2012, singing with Katy Perry.
But wait, there’s more: at the tender age of 9, she wrote a song called “Heroes of Autism” for Toys R Us’s campaign, which raised more than $3 million.
If that isn’t touching enough, Yankovic and DiPiazza were also joined by the Actionplay Chorus, which is comprised entirely of children with autism.
Watch the video below:
And since we’re dead-set on getting the all-important Jewish angle, you’ll be pleased to know Larry David was in attendance.