What Moms Really Want for Mother's Day--Including Gifts That Don't Even Cost a Dime – Kveller
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What Moms Really Want for Mother’s Day–Including Gifts That Don’t Even Cost a Dime

We asked Kveller mamas what they wanted for Mother’s Day–both material items and those more elusive wishes. Here is what they came up with.

Last minute gift-givers, take note!

Things you can buy:

1. This Ring.

I have been swooning over this ring for so long. It’s a total splurge and I would never actually ask for it but I think it is so sweet and perfect.

-Tamara Reese

2. Gym Gift Certificate.

I want a gift certificate to the workout place of my choice. I have finally found a place I love to work out–and have lost 15 lbs of baby weight in the past two months! I’d like to get a gift certificate there so I can get more classes, more endorphin rushes, and even more ‘healthier and energetic me,’ which ends up being a gift for myself and my family.

-Jordana Horn

3. A Rustic Beverage Dispenser.

I want this so bad. I am having construction done on my house this summer and I think I need it. I love that it looks like a giant Mason jar.

-Mayim Bialik

4. A Wrap Bracelet.


Any of these wrap bracelets. I collect them, and am obsessed with them. They make this mama feel just a little bit cool and hip.

-Cara Paiuk

5. A Massage.

I am not a woman of many material indulgences–I don’t really get manicures, I buy my purses at Target, and I have been known to put duct tape over a gaping hole of the bottom of my shoe for weeks until I get around to buying a new pair–but one luxury I adore is a really well-done massage, which I get extremely occasionally. I would have followed my most recent masseuse anywhere–fingers of steel, people–had she asked me.

-Tova Ross

6. Hair Salon Gift Card.

I would love a very large gift card to any place in Minneapolis where I can get my hair blown out once a week. I’m quite serious.

-Nina Badzin

7. Ole Hendrikson Eye Gel.

I want this!!! I’m told it is the only under eye gel that actually works to reduce puffiness. But of course, I’d never spend the money on it. Sigh. Maybe someday.

-Pia Kutten

8. A Gold Necklace With Baby’s Name & Birthday.

I would like this gold baby name plate with Mischa’s birthdate and name.

-Emily Wolper

9. Nesting Necklace

I love this necklace. And they have a version with just Mama birds, too.

-Carla Naumburg

10. Chandelier

I’ve been silently coveting a chandelier from Restoration Hardware for months. It would do wonders for updating the fixture in our dining room now. There’s no way on earth that it will show up with a big red bow on it this Sunday, but a girl can dream.

-Stephanie Kanowitz

11. Robot Vacuum

I dream about owning a Scooba, because washing the floor is my least favorite job ever, but that means our floor is always dirty.

-Tamar Fox

12. Photo App

Being that there are so many Jewish holidays that ask so much of our time and attention (and wallet!), we don’t get terribly fancy for the small holidays like Mother’s Day. We put emphasis on spending time together more than spending money on big gifts. So, this year I found the perfect thing: a new photo app! For $2 I ordered myself Photo Toaster, and then thanked the kids for a job well done 🙂

-Tzipporah La Fianza

And now for the things money just can’t buy:

1. Time “Off the Grid.”

I am taking an Off The Grid day in the near future where my husband will take off work to take care of all the kids’ needs. I will take a train into New York, where I will do exotic things–like “stroll through a bookstore,” “sip a glass of wine at a bar,” “go to a museum,” and “pee by myself.” I will do each one of these things without carrying wipes, sippy cups, and/or two sizes of diapers. My phone will be off. I may fall asleep on the sidewalk. It will be AWESOME.

-Jordana Horn

 2. Bathroom Time.

I’d like to use the bathroom all day completely uninterrupted. Not to be read as “stay in the bathroom” all day. Unless there is dark chocolate in there. In that case, maybe.

-Tamara Reese

3. Time With Grandma.

 I sometimes feel overwhelmed with all of the “mom” attention on Mother’s Day, especially since my divorce. I will wake up with my boys but then I am flying to speak at Stanford for a few hundred students. Before my talk, I am speaking at Stanford Hillel about women’s issues in Judaism–and my ex’s mom is coming with me. I am thrilled to spend Mother’s Day with my sons’ awesome grandma! We have a blast together and it feels like a great way to spend the day!

-Mayim Bialik

4. Just Time.

Time. A day without tantrums…no, wait…a week without tantrums. An actual date with my husband when no one is sick. No one being sick. And less stress.

-Elana Gartner Golden

5. Solo Trip to the Movies.

I’d love to have two or three solid hours to myself to go see a weekday matinee movie, preferably a chick flick. I used to love going to them on days off, back when I was younger, single, and working full-time. I felt like I was playing hooky. Now, it’d feel like a nice break, just to have some time to myself for something frivolous.

-Melissa Langsam Braunstein

6. Delegating Child Care.

One older kid agreeing to take care of one younger kid for a few hours of quiet….*sigh*

-Batya Sherizen

7. For My Daughter to Read.

The thing I would love most of all is if my daughter didn’t have to work so hard to learn to read. Inch-by-inch she is doing it, but with each passing day it is possible that reading will always be an enormous struggle for her and one where she is more and more likely not to be literate in the conventional sense. The ability to read makes such a difference in what her adult life can look like and not mastering reading just closes so many doors for her in terms of opportunities, but also in experiencing the joy that comes from reading books.

-Dana Meijler

8. Justice

Mandated, paid family leave, please! 🙂

-Avital Norman Nathman

9. Putting an End to the Laundry Black Hole

When I put two socks into the laundry, it would make me infinitely happy if two were to return.

-Alina Adams

10. Potty Training Guru

A personal potty trainer. Ideally someone loving, who can think up treat alternatives to M&Ms and who has the patience of a Hindu yoga guru after her longest savasana.

-Adina Kay-Gross

And lastly, for those looking to get into the spirit of tzedakah:

1. Donating to Domestic Violence Shelters.

I’m not one for gifts.  Instead, I love it when people make a donation in my honor. Jewish Women International has a great Mother’s Day Flower Project to support women and children who are in shelters, transition away from domestic abuse.

-Alexis Kort

2. Donating to Women’s & Cancer Causes

Consider making a donation to any organization that supports girls and women, contributes to cancer research or support, or that helps people in need. The New York Times lists women-centric organizations here, Gilda’s Club (now known as the Cancer Support Community ), The American Cancer Society, and the Red Cross. There are thousands of opportunities to contribute. Run or walk a 5K in someone’s honor. Plant a flowering tree  in someone’s memory. Write a poem or record a story about your mother for posterity and share it with a friend.

-Monica Gebell

What are you hoping for this Mother’s Day? Let us know in the comments below. Happy Mother’s Day!

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