What's Your Exodus: Breaking Free from Pessimism, Social Media & Worry – Kveller
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What’s Your Exodus: Breaking Free from Pessimism, Social Media & Worry

As Passover approaches, we asked our readers and writers: What do you need an exodus from? Today we hear from three more Kveller writers as part of our “What’s Your Exodus?” series. Want to add your own? Send it to info@kveller.com or tweet @kveller with #WhatsYourExodus.

From Jen Simon:

This year, I want to break free from my pessimism. I’ve never been an optimist or even close; I’ve never been someone who finds the good in the situation. But my second child is helping me change my outlook on life. He’s so happy that I actually belief he is a gift (a word I would have never used to describe anything prior to his birth). His joy has infected our whole family and made all of us, myself included, much happier and more appreciative of our family and everything in our world. I used to think I wanted a girl (and even wrote an article about it!) but I got the baby I needed.

From Susie Lubell:

I want to free myself of social media. #goodluckwiththat

From Maurie Backman:

I want to break free from worrying about whether or not I’m a good mother. For the past two years of my son’s life, it’s as though my brain has been actively accumulating and storing a list of the things I wish I would’ve done differently. But I also know that parenting is an ongoing, never-ending process, and that most people don’t actually believe they’re doing it perfectly. So rather than beat myself up over past missteps or mistakes, it’s time to focus on the things I’ve done right. I’m slowly starting to accept the fact that I still have a lot of learning to do, and that it’s OK to feel like some (er, most) days I’m really just winging it. After all is said and done, I’m confident that my son generally walks around and goes to sleep feeling cared for and loved, and as long as he feels that way, I suppose I can’t be doing too bad a job.

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